Last weekend I had the privilege and pleasure of being part of an historic occasion in Montreal. Hockey Ministries International convened an outreach breakfast as part of the NHL All Star Game festivities. The breakfast was held at the Sheraton Centre in downtown Montreal on Saturday morning.
On Friday evening many of us gathered at HMI's offices next door to the Bell Centre (the arena where the Canadiens play) for a time of prayer and testimony. What a God-honoring evening it was!
Over 30 years ago the Executive Director of HMI, Don Liesemer, sensed God's calling to launch a ministry geared to the specific needs of hockey players. The rest, as they say, is history.
Following a very successful breakfast Don Liesemer penned the following words of testimony and praise:
"It is Tuesday in Montreal...The celebrations are over...the party tents have disappeared...The hype has dissipated...all seems quiet now...
On Friday evening many of us gathered at HMI's offices next door to the Bell Centre (the arena where the Canadiens play) for a time of prayer and testimony. What a God-honoring evening it was!
Over 30 years ago the Executive Director of HMI, Don Liesemer, sensed God's calling to launch a ministry geared to the specific needs of hockey players. The rest, as they say, is history.
Following a very successful breakfast Don Liesemer penned the following words of testimony and praise:
"It is Tuesday in Montreal...The celebrations are over...the party tents have disappeared...The hype has dissipated...all seems quiet now...
The All Stars have left town...their brief moment of glory is past...their on-ice heroics soon to be forgotten...("all men are like grass, and all their glory like the flowers of the field...the grass withers and the flowers fall")...
But there is a Star that shines eternal.."The Bright Morning Star," our Lord Jesus Christ. He shone brightly on Saturday morning, Jan. 24, as His players reflected His light one after another telling of His marvellous grace and life-changing power in their lives. The arena was the packed ballroom of the Sheraton Centre in down town Montreal. The audience; a mixture of today's super stars, yesterday's heroes, players of tomorrow and enthusiastic fans. An air of anticipation and excitement filled the room as Bobby Smith, Mike Gartner, Dean Prentice, Marlene Geoffrion (and her daughter Linda), Jean and Diane Pronovost, Paolo Acquilini, Dan Bouchard, Dean Prentice, Laurie Boschman, Shane Doan and Bill Butters gave personal testimony of Christ's saving work in their lives. The program was superbly guided by MC's Charlie Blyth and Don Liesemer Jr.
And the light of the Morning Star shines brightly now in the hearts and lives of the many who were forever changed by the message of the Gospel and the work of His Spirit that special morning...and will continue to shine throughout eternity.
And the light of the Morning Star shines brightly now in the hearts and lives of the many who were forever changed by the message of the Gospel and the work of His Spirit that special morning...and will continue to shine throughout eternity.
Thank you for praying and planning and supporting and working to make January 24, 2009 a morning in which an eternal flame began to shine in many lives in Quebec.
"Behold I am coming soon!..I am the root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star...Yes I am coming soon" (Rev. 22)
Your prayers and support are appreciated as we continue to shine His Light in arenas everywhere."