Monday, December 18, 2006

Stewardship Opportunity

Side #1 - THANK YOU!

They say there are two sides to every story and that’s usually true. There are also two (2) sides to this insert. Side #1 deals with something I enjoy talking & writing about…YOU…the “team” of prayer partners and donors that God has so graciously assembled. I know that it’s the Lord’s doing because of the diversity of people that have become involved in supporting this ministry in one way or another. As I filled out today’s bank deposit I was made aware of this again. Gifts from a Toronto Blue Jays security man, a lady I met back in the 70’s in my Christian bookstore, a couple I met years later when speaking at a church in another city, a baseball executive and a judge. They have all become a part of the EPISTLE team and we’re so grateful for your manyprayers and for your generous stewardship. When I scan our mailing list I see names of ballplayers I met back in the late 70’s when the Toronto Blue Jays were just getting started. There’s quite a diverse collection of names and addresses and each one has contributed to the ongoing success of EPISTLE SPORTS MINISTRIES. Names of several former Peterborough Petes are included. As we approach the end of another year we have so much to be grateful for. God has given us such an incredible team of friends and partners! THANK YOU is all I can say to each one of you who has stood with us and helped us make a difference in the lives of athletes. May the Lord bless you and make His presence known to you this Christmas season. He is worthy of our praise and adoration! Please read Side #2 for the “rest of the story”. Thanks for being on the “team”!


2006 has been such an incredible year in many ways. We have been sustained by the Lord Himself in the midst of many trials and frustrating circumstances. Health concerns, situations with our two special needs sons, several difficult transitions and the ever-present issue of financial support have been on our hearts throughout the year. God has proven time and time again that He is faithful. “The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.” (Psalm 138:8) For over thirty (30) years the Lord has provided for EPISTLE SPORTS MINISTRIES in miraculous ways. My concern is that our regular, monthly donor list is so small that our faith is stretched each month as we trust God to provide ‘’the difference” in His own wonderful way. Perhaps this is faith-building but it’s also very stress-producing as well. For all these years I have maintained that “God’s work, done in God’s way, will never lack God’s supply.” In times past we would be forced to build up credit card debt and then pay it off as the donations came in. As we approach the end of another fiscal year, we need an additional $35,000.00 to balance our books and cover our deficit. This can seem insurmountable but in the past God has met our needs in ways that we don’t expect or even understand. We have received individual gifts in the past that would wipe out this amount. Please join us in praying that this need would be met by the end of the year and that we would be able to launch into a new season of ministry in a strong, financial position. Thank you so much for hearing me out as I’ve related “the rest of the story”. We are trusting God for a miracle and we know that “He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.” – Eph. 3:20 - David